This is an entry for the contest, "internet is fun"
12th May, 2012..
9.00 a.m, Delhi, India
“Dude, wassup man? When are you flying?”
“Having a H1B visa is one thing and flying to the US in another thing, Ritesh”, John replied unenthusiastically.
“I know that it is a long wait, but your parents will be happy. They get more time to look out for a bride”
“Huh..That is another tragedy. They find girls who dumb, dull and not socially active man”
“Socially active? What does that mean?” Ritesh was curious.
“Girls without facebook profiles and the ones without twitter handles”
“Come on, Dude..You must be joking. I don’t know anyone without a facebook id for a long time”
“What is the point in having a login in facebook when you don’t login often? I am a social networking freak and I need a girl who would match my taste..I don’t want some outdated girl, even if she is a super model..”
“Haha, that’s interesting… Hope you find the girl of your dreams”
“I seriously wish that I find someone soon. My manager told that I will be back to India only after 3 years and mom and dad want to find a girl for me ASAP”
“Tough days ahead, dude” , Ritesh smirked.
“Where is aunty and uncle? I can’t see them in the house? “ Ritesh continued.
“They left to Bangalore yesterday. Dad’s friend’s daughter is getting married.Chalo, we’ll go for a drive”, John walked out of the house with his car keys.
9.30 a.m, Bangalore, India
“Jessy, please put down that damn mobile phone”, Mrs. Kuriakose yelled at the top of her voice.
“Oh, come on ma..I am 25 and I know what to do”, Jessy was equally agitated.
“I don’t understand what you find so very interesting in that damn mobile phone?”
“Oh, come on ma, I can even live without your food but I can’t live without my mobile. It has anything and everything that a girl needs”
“I know that you girls are addicted to SMS, Facebook and twitter, but can you pause your online activities for the next 2 hours”
“Ahh.. That delhi guy’s parents are coming and you want me to act dumb before them Huh!!.. I can’t understand how you people call someone whom you met just yesterday for lunch. And even worse, you are trying to get me married into that family”
“They are no strangers Jessy, they are our family friends. We were neighbours in Kollam. Don’t you remember that cute guy John? You always used to play with him”
“Mom, I was 4 then.. I don’t remember John nor his parents. By the way, what is that uncle’s name?”
“He is Richards, he worked for a Bank in our place. Get ready, they told that they will be here by 11.00 or so” Mrs. Kuriakose hurried her daughter.
Jessy smiled when she heard Richard uncle’s name. She recollected the games which she had played with John.
“It is such a pain to take bath on a Saturday morning”, Jesse murmured and walked away.
10.30 a.m
“Hello Dad, How is it going? How was the wedding?”
“We are fine John, you are asking as if we haven’t met for months together” Mr. Richards was at his satirical best.
“We just left delhi yesterday and will be back on Sunday night”, he continued.
“Come on , Dad, stop pulling my legs”
“We have a surprise for you son” Mrs. Richards yelled at the phone.
“Surprise, don’t make a fool of yourself, Mom… By the way, what is it? Where are you people now?”
“We are going to look for a girl for our smart son” , Mr. Richards laughed aloud.
“Oh!! dad, I have seen enough girls and am quite bored”
“You will like this one dear”, Mrs. Richards.
“Mom..I called for an important update. I have to travel on the 3rd of June”
“Oh my God, so we have just 20 days to find a girl for you” Richards laughed again.
“Come on Dad.. Who is the girl, You don’t know anyone from Bangalore, right?”
“This is a girl know to us son. Do you remember Jessy from Kollam??” Mrs.Richards was all excited.
“Jessy..Jessy..” John smiled shyly.
Jessy was his first love. He was 7 and she was 4 when his dad got a transfer to Chennai. He is hearing about Jessy after 21 years and he just couldn’t control his excitement.
“Which Jessy are you talking about mom”
“Son, I am your father and I still remember how you used to tell stories about your friendship with Jessy after we reached Chennai. I still remember you crying for 4-5 days. Do you thing you can fool me”, Richards replied.
“Oh Dad, you mean to say that Kuriakose uncle’s daughter?”
“Finally the cat is out of the bag.. She is the one my boy. She has completed her BDS and is a dentist in JayaNagar ”, Richards laughed.
“Hmmm.. She was very pretty when she was young but now my priorities and interests have changed Dad. I am not sure if I will like her now”
“ and your interests.. I am done with those things”
“We will reach their house in 30-40 minutes and when we come we will get her photograph. You can check it and tell your decision,son” Mrs. Richards was concerned.
“Ok Dad.. Take care and don’t have much hopes. Have a nice day” John disconnected the call.
John touched the facebook symbol on his smart phone and searched for “Jessy Kuriakose”.
30 search results and he patiently looked at each one of them and rejected those based on the likes interests and maps. His eyes stood still when he saw that one of those profiles was in Bangalore.
He checked the likes and found “Indian dental association”. He gave a victorious smile to Ritesh who was driving the car.
He sent a message in facebook, “Hey, is this the same Jessy from Kollam who sings in the choir? The girl who used to ask me to catch the butterflies behind our house? Do you remember me?”
“Oh, dude..You got her in facebook , is it” Ritesh teased him.
John was blushing but was skeptical about the response and had his fingers crossed.
“Come on Dude, don’t blush” Ritesh continued with his teasing.
“Is this the same guy who was not even able to catch a single butterfly for me? The guy who told that the moon is a dosa made by his mother :P” , John jumped out of his seat in joy when he saw the reply in facebook.
YEAH..he yelled in joy…
“Jessy Richards wants to be friend with you”
John was literally out of the world when he saw these words in his mobile.
He accepted the friend request and checked her friends list. He was very happy when he found that she had 655 friends. Just 245 less than him.
He saw her online and started to chat with her.
“Hey, I could not believe my eyes.”
A smiley came as a reply.
“Here I am driving with a friend in the dry lands outside delhi, but I am chatting with a childhood friend”
“Smiley. Power of internet”
“Do you have a twitter handle?”
The chat went on and on and on…..
In the meantime, the Richards family had come to Kuriakose’s house and there were a lot of happy moments.
“We will get Jessy’s picture and mobile number, and then ask John to decide”, Mrs. Richards said while leaving.
Jessy was secretly grinning as her fingers replied to John’s chat message.
04.00 pm
“Jessy do you blog?”, John was curious.
“Yes, I do blog a lot. Mostly about the things that happen around me”
“Oh my God.. We are almost similar. I do the same, but with video blogs..”
“Great.. I will SMS you the video blogs that I have made”
The next 2 hours was spent in talking about the blogosphere and how John records a lot of stuff in his mobile and creates video blogs. Jessy was thoroughly impressed but Ritesh wasn’t. Ritesh had to do all the driving while John was busy with his future fiancé….
“Jessy, I have seen you pictures, but haven’t spoken to you. Let me call you now”
“Hmm..yeah sure” replied Jessy.
“But do you have a phone with front camera?”
“Of course, I do” replied Jessy enthusiastically”
The vide call lasted for the next 4 hours.
10.00 pm
“John, had a great day with you… A virtual date” said Jessy.
“It isn’t over yet, Jessy” replied John and moved the phone from his face.
He had come to a cozy restaurant and decorated the table with roses and just candle light . There was a bottle of wine and a diamond ring nearby.
He kneeled before the camera and asked, “Will you marry me??”
Jessy smiled and replied, “The best proposal ever”
John smiled and continued the talks…
“Fine honey, when my parents come tomorrow, let me tell them to fix the wedding date” John smiled…
“I would update my parents now itself, Jessy smiled and disconnected the call.
A love story which would have taken months, was possible in a days. Thanks to video calls, facebook, twitter and vide blogs. In other words, Thanks to the Internet.
Internet is fun, indeed..
This is an entry for the contest, "internet is fun"